Case Study
Tornado Storage Solutions sell Vertical Storage machines and Paternosters to a wide range of clients, including some big names like Ikea. Traditionally these kinds of storage machines have been used in the manufacturing sector, however TSS broke into the retail sector with Ikea. This provided a number of hurdles, such as high staff turnover resulting in many more support calls than would normally be encountered.
Our solution was to provide them with some custom software to enable their clients to instantly request assistance over the network from TSS support staff as well as our own.
This massively reduced the number of times an engineer had to turn up on site, resulting in a huge cost saving, while at the same time increasing the support offered to their clients. Many problems were sorted out remotely, and it also made possible impromptu training sessions for the clients staff.
A benefit of the network design we used, combined with a VoIP system and our custom software, allowed the support engineers to be based from their own homes rather than a central office, again reducing overheads while providing the engineers with a flexible working solution.
We provided the technical know how to create a solution that combined the security of a VPN with remote support software, allowing TSS to get on with their business, and indeed even use our solution to provide a huge boost to their sales based on the resulting support they were able to offer. Years down the line after we initially started, we are also able to help them move the solution in house, supporting their staff in the transition now that they had grown.